Friday, August 28, 2015

The Importance of Dental Hygiene and Back to School

Ah, the hustle and bustle of going back to school!

As we head back into school mode, there are lots of things on the “to do” list to get done before the first day rolls around.  Every student should be equipped with these essentials:

-Markers, pens, pencils
-Dental cleaning

Dental cleaning?!?  Yes!  Healthy teeth, gums and proper dental hygiene are as crucial as everything else on the list in preparation for the coming school year.
Studies have shown dental related issues are a main reason that children miss school. If you maintain and stay on top of your oral health care you are setting yourself up for future success! There is no age limit when it comes to having a healthy mouth and smile.*
As your first day of school swiftly approaches, no matter what grade you are going into, first impressions are always looming in the back of your mind.  And first impressions are huge!  No one needs to have a big chunk of cereal in their teeth or stinky breath on their first day back. Your buddies will never let you live it down. When your teeth are well taken care of, brushed, flossed, with clean fresh breath, you are well on your way to a GREAT first impression!
A friendly smile says a lot about a person.  When you have a clean , attractive smile  you'll exude confidence. When you are feeling confident, you promote a positive sense of self which can help spark a conversation or attract another person’s attention.  You’ll have a lunch buddy in no time!
Not to mention, those school pictures that wind up being a permanent fixture in the yearbook (and on your fridge at home). With a dashing smile, you will have no regrets when you look back years later and think, “Man!  That is one good looking smile!”
If you are due for a dental cleaning and polish, now is the perfect time to go in for an appointment!  This goes above and beyond your daily standard brushing and flossing.  A good dental cleaning will remove all of the plaque or tartar build up that may have accumulated over the past few months.  Any sort of gingivitis will be examined and taken care of. A nice polishing of your teeth will finish up your look.  Afterwards, your teeth will feel AMAZING!  Your teeth will literally be squeaky clean!  There is no better feeling than a smooth fresh tooth surface.
We all get those first day jitters when going back to school.  It’s completely natural.  But when your alarm clock goes off the morning of your first day back, you eat your breakfast, gather your belongings, and you brush and floss your teeth, you will have one less thing to worry about before you get to class!
So just remember, before you walk out the door for your first day of school, make sure that you have spent at least two minutes brushing those pearly whites, flossed each and every tooth, and maybe even given a quick once over with some mouth rinse.  You are bound to have a great first day back with smiles all around!


George A. Malkemus, DDS

Dentist in Rohnert Park
2 Padre Parkway Suite #200
Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Phone: (707) 585-8595

Monday, August 3, 2015

39 Tips and Alternative Uses for Everyday Dental Hygiene Items #LifeHack

Life Hacks – The Dental Edition!
Today we’re sharing our office’s best tips, tricks and secrets to making difficult tasks easy and fixes for the most annoying problems. Get ready to have your mind blown because ALL of these use dental related items!
Denture Tabs
Did you know they can also be used to help clean common household items? Here are six alternative uses for denture cleanser tablets:
1.     Put them in with a diamond to spruce up that sparkle
2.     Remove mineral deposits from glass
3.     Pop a denture tablet into your coffee pot, run the water through and then rinse. Cleans up stains in a snap! BONUS: also great at removing coffee and tea stains in mugs
4.     Toss a tab in to a full toilet or bathtub and watch the grime dissipate
5.     Use to clean enamel based cookware
6.     Great for unclogging drains
Dental Floss
Be sure to use the dental floss that is flavorless, otherwise you are going to have some unsatisfactory results for some of these hacks.
7.     When your shoelace breaks and you need a fix in a pinch— lace up with floss until you can get a replacement!
8.     Got long hair? When your ponytail’s elastic band snaps off, wrap some floss to create a new hair tie
9.     Sentimental pictures stuck to your scrapbook page? Or cookies stuck to the baking sheet?  Wiggle some floss gently in between to release
10.                        Slice clean pieces of bread, cheese or cakes by holding the floss taunt and gliding down the soft item you are wanting to “cut”
11.                        Are you travelling and you need to “lock” you luggage? Wind some floss through the zippers to secure
12.                        Create a makeshift clothes line out of floss
13.                        Use as string for crafts and jewelry making
14.                        Leaky faucet? Tie floss around the spout and let the rest hang into the drain to eliminate the dripping sound
The miracle worker!
15.                        Remove scratches from DVD’s and CD’s by applying a little white toothpaste and gently rubbing over the surface
16.                        Ring Around the Collar: take some toothpaste on a toothbrush (double dental life hack!)and scrub in a circular motion over the stain before normal washing
17.                        Got Kids? Do they have crayons? Use toothpaste as an abrasive to scrub the crayon right off the walls
18.                        Scuffs happen. Shoes, furniture, other surface areas, etc.  Put some toothpaste on a toothbrush and scrub away to watch the scuffs vanish
19.                        Did someone forget to use a coaster? Rub toothpaste over the ring and wipe clean with a damp cloth
20.                        Use as a deodorizer for baby bottles. Remember to rinse thoroughly after soaking!
21.                        Rub toothpaste over mirrors, glass, and water goggles then wipe clean to create a fog deterrent
22.                        Make your sink and faucets shine by polishing with toothpaste!
23.                        Ink and lipstick stains are no longer a problem with the help of toothpaste
24.                        Helps remedy stubborn pimples: dab a little toothpaste on the problem area before bed and wash your face in the morning.
25.                        Foul scents lingering? Wipe some toothpaste over the area and rinse thoroughly
26.                        Remove carpet stains by using the paste with a scrubber
Mouthwash can help out with more than just
 bacteria in your mouth and odorous breath!
27.                        Use mouthwash as an antiseptic replacement when you run out
28.                        “That’s going to leave a bruise!” Heal up faster by rubbing it with some mouthwash on a cotton ball
29.                        Poison ivy itches! Smooth over the affected area and discard the used cotton ball to avoid cross contamination
30.                        Hand sanitizer substitute!
31.                        Did you forget deodorant? Swipe a little mouthwash to remove “ripeness”
32.                        Great as a disinfectant
33.                        Soak nails and toes in mouthwash to help with fungus and athletes foot
34.                        Also works as a great for helping to soften and soothe feet
35.                        Can be used as a temporary face astringent
36.                        Soak smelly containers in mouthwash and rinse. Say goodbye to stink!

Toothbrushes make excellent cleaning tools and are great scrubbers. Here’s a few of our favorites uses!
37.                        If you need to touch up your roots, use a toothbrush to assist in the hair dying process
38.                        Works wonders as an exfoliater
39.                        Nail brush – work out the dirt under your nails gently

If you carry little travel sizes of mouthwash, a toothbrush, white toothpaste and some denture tabs, you are fit to solve almost any spill, scuff or stain! These items are great to always have on hand.  Next time one of these problems tries to kick you when you’re down, remember these dental life hacks!  Give them a try and let us know how well their magic works for you!

George A. Malkemus, DDS

Dentist in Rohnert Park
2 Padre Parkway Suite #200
Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Phone: (707) 585-8595

Monday, April 20, 2015

APRIL: Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Early Detection Saves Lives
 Oral cancer is nothing to take lightly.  Causing one death every hour, there will be approximately 45,750 new cases diagnosed this year alone.  It also tends to strike men twice as likely as women.
Contributing factors of oral cancer include:
§  Smoking
§  Tobacco use
§  Excessive alcohol consumption (3+ drinks per day)
§  Over exposure to UV light
§  HPV Virus (sexually transmitted)
  7% of diagnosed oral cancer cases that have no identified cause
Smokers are 3 times more likely to develop oral cancer.  Cigars and pipes pose a higher risk than standard cigarettes. 
This is how to reduce your risk of oral cancer:
§ Do not use tobacco products
§ Drink alcohol only in moderation
§ Limit sun exposure and always use SPF sunscreen
§ Regular exercise
§ Nutritional supplements ( Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Zinc, Fish oil)
§ Oral cancer screening at your bi-annual dentist exam and cleaning

The way you prepare your meals can play a role as well.  Rather than frying food, give steaming or baking a try!  Bonus: these techniques are also more figure friendly!
Cancer fighting foods:
§  Beans
§  Berries
§  Vegetables
§  Flaxseed
§  Garlic
§  Grapes
§  Green Teas
§  Tomatoes
 84% of oral cancer cases can be detected early by your dentist
Dental check-ups arevital to oral cancer detection.  Yes, you should be going in for dental check-ups twice a year anyways; however, request you get regularly scheduled oral cancer screenings as well! 

Oral Cancer Signs to Check at Home:
§  Check the entirety of your mouth
§  All the way inside of your cheeks
§  Underside and top of your tongue
§  Roof of your mouth
§  Lymph nodes
You’re looking for discoloration, lumps, asymmetrical swelling or any other abnormalities that you happen to see.  Even if you aren’t too sure about it, it never hurts to give us a call, ask questions and come in to have it checked out.

Get involved.  Help raise awareness.  Spread the word.  Get tested!

George A. Malkemus, DDS

Dentist in Rohnert Park
2 Padre Parkway Suite #200
Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Phone: (707) 585-8595

Monday, March 23, 2015

How Focusing on These 3 Points Will Help You Spring Out of the Winter Blues!

Happy Spring 2015

As we move out of winter, you may be changing your frame of mind from “Snuggly winter days…” to “Time for spring cleaning!” Have you ever considered a dental spring cleaning?  If you can spring clean your home, why not your teeth?!  Here are three easy points to focus on:

1.       Healthy eating
2.       Tooth care
3.       Dental check-up

Healthy Eating

When your tummy rumbles, instead of reaching for a bag of chips, grab some veggie sticks or slice up an apple!  We understand the convenience of snack foods as well as the deal you get when purchasing a bulk pack.  But most of these things lack nutritional value and do not fare well on your body, health or mouth.  Create a goal to reach for a healthy snack to fill the nutritional craving your body is after.  Your waistline and teeth will thank you! 
Foods that are high in sugar wreak havoc on your teeth contribute to the start of cavities.  Food consistency also plays a role in oral health. Very hard foods can harm the surfaces of your teeth, and there’s also the potential to cause significant damage by cracking or chipping a tooth!
Reach For                                                                                  Pass On
Whole Grains
Ice Cream
Skinless Chicken
Sugary Cereals
Non-Breaded Fish
Hard and Sticky Foods
Low Fat/ Fat Free Yogurt
Low Fat/ Fat Free Cheese
Cakes/ Pies

Tooth Care

·         Are you attentively brushing your teeth twice a day for 2-minutes?
·         Are you flossing daily (or at all)?
·         Have you changed your toothbrush in the last 3 months?

When brushing your teeth spend the full 2 minutes taking care to cover the front and back of each individual tooth. Before finishing up – give your tongue a once over as well! Many toothbrushes have a built in tongue brusher on the back of the toothbrush head.  Toothbrushes do wear out.  They can fray and lose the sturdiness to properly clean your teeth.  Toothbrushes should be replaced about every three months.


Flossing cleans about 40% of your teeth surfaces.  Remember to reach your very back teeth.  Flossing helps to lessen plaque build-up and helps prevent gum disease. 

Dental Check-up

Remember how great your mouth feels after a dental cleaning in our office?  Now that the holidays have come to a close, your teeth may be in need of a professional cleaning.  Call us for a dental check-up and cleaning.  Check-ups are recommended every 6 months unless you are experiencing a problem area in your mouth.  And, if that is the case, call us as soon as possible.  Whenever you are in pain or have a question, call us.

Now that you have these things fresh on your mind, you are ready to take charge of spring!  And you can do so with a bright shining and CLEAN smile!

George A. Malkemus, DDS

Dentist in Rohnert Park
2 Padre Parkway Suite #200
Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Phone: (707) 585-8595

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How to Help Your Kids Create Good Oral Hygiene Habits Now

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and we’re dedicated to raising awareness! 

In America, 51 million hours of school is missed every year due to oral health issues. Although every month should be important when it comes to a child’s dental health, February is the one dedicated to it. Here are things to keep in mind when helping children become conscious of just how important dental hygiene is and exactly how to start creating good habits right away:

1. Keep the sugar intake to a minimum
2. Floss, floss, floss
3. Brush twice a day
4. When you brush, make sure you hit the 2 minute mark
5. Visit your dentist regularly

Have you ever seen that amazing “magic trick” when you ask your child “Did you brush your teeth?”  And they respond with a “yes” only because their toothbrush is wet?  Then come to find out, there was no brushing going on, they merely stuck their toothbrush under the faucet and wiped their front teeth once, maybe twice. Now is the perfect time to kick this bad habit!  Dental health can be fun for kids (and adults)!

Here are 4 ways to incorporate some fun and giggles into children’s daily oral care:  

Toothpaste – a plethora of choices

Let’s start off with toothpaste.  There are gels, pastes, and so many different flavors; such as cinnamon, vanilla, bubble gum, and variety of different mint flavors.  Let your child choose which one they would prefer.  

Flossing – 40% of cleaning your teeth comes from flossing

Floss comes in different flavors as well and also had a variety of textures.  There are waxed, woven, and even the hand held pick form to name a few.  

Toothbrush – the master tool

Choosing a toothbrush will probably be your child’s favorite thing to do.  Not only are there options as far as handheld or battery operated, there are TONS of different designs now!  Your child can pick their favorite cartoon character or stick to the basics-like their favorite color.  

Brushing Timer – brush 2 min 2x a day

While the tiny sand timers you flip upside down are always fun for kids to watch, there are now toothbrushes with built in timers. The brush will alert timer markers with a beep or a vibration for 2 minute duration, some even play a popular song. 

Giving Kids Something to Look Forward To

This is the perfect way to create a morning and nighttime routine to get your child excited about developing healthy habits.  Getting your child involved in the decision making of choosing some cool and fun dental products makes them more apt to look forward to brushing and flossing daily.  

Starting off good oral hygiene practice at a young age will propel your kids into the future for a lifetime of healthy pink gums and bright shining smiles!  A healthy smile is a smile you can be proud of! 


George A. Malkemus, DDS

Dentist in Rohnert Park
2 Padre Parkway Suite #200
Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Phone: (707) 585-8595

Friday, February 6, 2015


A current complex dental issue is the concern about the bisphosphonates in osteoporosis medications causing "osteonecrosis," a rare condition in which healthy jawbone dies (osteo, Latin for bone, and necrosis, Latin for death or dying). Oral bisphosphonate medications are commonly taken to prevent or treat osteoporosis or Paget’s disease.  The use of intravenous bisphosphonates for certain cancer patients has been linked to osteonecrosis as well.  The occurrence of osteonecrosis is rare, but a serious condition. 


Osteoporosis ("porous bones", from Greek: οστούν/ostoun meaning "bone" and πόρος/poros meaning "pore") is a serious skeletal disorder that weakens bones and increases the risk of developing fractures. It affects about 10 million Americans, 8 million of them women. Another 34 million are at risk of developing osteoporosis. This disorder affects more women than cancer, heart disease and stroke combined. Many patients are treated with a group of prescription drugs called "oral bisphosphonates." Examples include alendronate (Fosamax, Merck & Co., Whitehouse Station, N.J.), risedronate (Actonel, Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati) and ibandronate (Boniva, Roche, Nutley, N.J.).

Calcium is an important element needed throughout the body for muscle and tissue functions.  Calcium blood, muscle, and tissue levels have to be specifically maintained.  Bone calcium is used to maintain this balance by storing and releasing calcium as needed.  Bone calcium is constantly being eaten away and rebuilt within the skeletal bone.  In fact, there is a complete human skeleton turn over every 3 years.  Osteoporosis is a disease in which the boney release of calcium is greater than the rebuilding of bone, causing defects and reducing the density of bone.  Bisposphonate drugs patch the boney defects and therefore increase the bone density.

Correct amounts of daily calcium intake are necessary through diet and or supplements.  1500 mg per day is the normal level for healthy individuals.  Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption, either through sunlight or supplements.  During winter months, it is impossible to receive enough vitamin D through sunlight north of San Jose, CA.


The most important risk factors for osteoporosis are aging in both men and women.  In women, the decrease in estrogen following menopause is correlated with a rapid reduction in bone mineral density, while in men, a decrease in testosterone levels has a comparable (but less pronounced) effect. Also, those with a family history of fracture or osteoporosis are at a much greater risk for osteoporosis. There are many other risks factors for having osteoporosis.  Some are as follows: excessive alcohol use, tobacco smoking, poor nutrition, high dietary protein intake, low weight-bearing inactivity, many medications [particularly steroids and anticonvulsants], diabetes, and auto immune diseases. 

If you have any of the risk factors for osteoporosis, have a discussion with your physician and consider having bone density tests. 


The risks of osteoporosis, especially the development of bone fractures, are serious. Fractures of the spinal column and hip are the most common osteoporosis problems, and hip fractures can be life threatening. The National Osteoporosis Foundation reports that an average of 24 percent of patients 50 years and older with hip fractures die within one year of their injury. One in five patients with a hip fracture ends up in a nursing home. Six months after experiencing a hip fracture, only 15 percent of patients are able to walk across a room without help. A woman’s risk of experiencing a hip fracture is equal to her combined risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers.

It is estimated that alendronate may reduce by 40 percent the risk of experiencing a hip fracture in patients with osteoporosis. Thus, it is possible that the drug could prevent more than 100,000 hip fractures and tens of thousands of deaths each year. Given the risks associated with osteoporosis and the proven benefits of oral bisphosphonate therapy, you should never stop taking these medications before discussing the matter fully with your physician.


Jaw complications linked to the use of bisphosphonate medications are a growing concern. The drugs have been associated with osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ), an uncommon but potentially serious condition that can cause severe destruction of the jawbones. News reports have alarmed and confused many patients who receive these drugs to prevent or treat osteoporosis.  

Most cases of ONJ have been seen in patients with cancer who receive treatment with intravenous bisphosphonates, which absorb differently from oral bisphosphonates. Intravenous bisphosphonate medications are use in cancer therapy to reduce bone pain and hypercalcemia (abnormally high calcium levels in the blood), associated with metastatic breast cancer, prostate cancer and multiple myeloma.

The true risk posed by oral bisphosphonates remains uncertain, but researchers agree that it appears to be very small.

Most cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw associated with bisphosphonates are diagnosed after procedures such as tooth extraction. However, the condition can develop spontaneously. Also, invasive dental procedures, such as extractions or other surgery that affects the bone, can worsen this condition. Patients receiving intravenous bisphosphonate therapy should avoid invasive dental procedures if possible. The risk of developing osteonecrosis of the jaw after dental surgery in patients using oral bisphosphonates appears to be low.

Symptoms of osteonecrosis include, but are not limited to, the following:

    – Pain, swelling or infection of the gums or jaw;
    – Gums that are not healing;
    – Loose teeth;
    – Numbness or a heavy feeling in the jaw;
    – Drainage;
    – Exposed bone.

Because osteonecrosis of the jaw is rare, researchers cannot yet predict who will develop it. To diagnose the condition, clinicians may use X-rays or test for infection (taking microbial cultures). Treatments may include antibiotics, oral rinses and removable mouth appliances. Minor dental work may be necessary to remove injured tissue and reduce sharp edges of damaged bone. Surgery typically is avoided because it may worsen the condition.

The consensus is that if you are taking bisphosphonate medications for osteoporosis or cancer, then good oral hygiene along with regular dental care is the best way to lower your risk of developing osteonecrosis.

Enjoy Life and Keep Smiling!

George A. Malkemus, DDS

Dentist in Rohnert Park
2 Padre Parkway Suite #200
Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Phone: (707) 585-8595