Monday, April 20, 2015

APRIL: Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Early Detection Saves Lives
 Oral cancer is nothing to take lightly.  Causing one death every hour, there will be approximately 45,750 new cases diagnosed this year alone.  It also tends to strike men twice as likely as women.
Contributing factors of oral cancer include:
§  Smoking
§  Tobacco use
§  Excessive alcohol consumption (3+ drinks per day)
§  Over exposure to UV light
§  HPV Virus (sexually transmitted)
  7% of diagnosed oral cancer cases that have no identified cause
Smokers are 3 times more likely to develop oral cancer.  Cigars and pipes pose a higher risk than standard cigarettes. 
This is how to reduce your risk of oral cancer:
§ Do not use tobacco products
§ Drink alcohol only in moderation
§ Limit sun exposure and always use SPF sunscreen
§ Regular exercise
§ Nutritional supplements ( Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Zinc, Fish oil)
§ Oral cancer screening at your bi-annual dentist exam and cleaning

The way you prepare your meals can play a role as well.  Rather than frying food, give steaming or baking a try!  Bonus: these techniques are also more figure friendly!
Cancer fighting foods:
§  Beans
§  Berries
§  Vegetables
§  Flaxseed
§  Garlic
§  Grapes
§  Green Teas
§  Tomatoes
 84% of oral cancer cases can be detected early by your dentist
Dental check-ups arevital to oral cancer detection.  Yes, you should be going in for dental check-ups twice a year anyways; however, request you get regularly scheduled oral cancer screenings as well! 

Oral Cancer Signs to Check at Home:
§  Check the entirety of your mouth
§  All the way inside of your cheeks
§  Underside and top of your tongue
§  Roof of your mouth
§  Lymph nodes
You’re looking for discoloration, lumps, asymmetrical swelling or any other abnormalities that you happen to see.  Even if you aren’t too sure about it, it never hurts to give us a call, ask questions and come in to have it checked out.

Get involved.  Help raise awareness.  Spread the word.  Get tested!

George A. Malkemus, DDS

Dentist in Rohnert Park
2 Padre Parkway Suite #200
Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Phone: (707) 585-8595

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