Monday, August 3, 2015

39 Tips and Alternative Uses for Everyday Dental Hygiene Items #LifeHack

Life Hacks – The Dental Edition!
Today we’re sharing our office’s best tips, tricks and secrets to making difficult tasks easy and fixes for the most annoying problems. Get ready to have your mind blown because ALL of these use dental related items!
Denture Tabs
Did you know they can also be used to help clean common household items? Here are six alternative uses for denture cleanser tablets:
1.     Put them in with a diamond to spruce up that sparkle
2.     Remove mineral deposits from glass
3.     Pop a denture tablet into your coffee pot, run the water through and then rinse. Cleans up stains in a snap! BONUS: also great at removing coffee and tea stains in mugs
4.     Toss a tab in to a full toilet or bathtub and watch the grime dissipate
5.     Use to clean enamel based cookware
6.     Great for unclogging drains
Dental Floss
Be sure to use the dental floss that is flavorless, otherwise you are going to have some unsatisfactory results for some of these hacks.
7.     When your shoelace breaks and you need a fix in a pinch— lace up with floss until you can get a replacement!
8.     Got long hair? When your ponytail’s elastic band snaps off, wrap some floss to create a new hair tie
9.     Sentimental pictures stuck to your scrapbook page? Or cookies stuck to the baking sheet?  Wiggle some floss gently in between to release
10.                        Slice clean pieces of bread, cheese or cakes by holding the floss taunt and gliding down the soft item you are wanting to “cut”
11.                        Are you travelling and you need to “lock” you luggage? Wind some floss through the zippers to secure
12.                        Create a makeshift clothes line out of floss
13.                        Use as string for crafts and jewelry making
14.                        Leaky faucet? Tie floss around the spout and let the rest hang into the drain to eliminate the dripping sound
The miracle worker!
15.                        Remove scratches from DVD’s and CD’s by applying a little white toothpaste and gently rubbing over the surface
16.                        Ring Around the Collar: take some toothpaste on a toothbrush (double dental life hack!)and scrub in a circular motion over the stain before normal washing
17.                        Got Kids? Do they have crayons? Use toothpaste as an abrasive to scrub the crayon right off the walls
18.                        Scuffs happen. Shoes, furniture, other surface areas, etc.  Put some toothpaste on a toothbrush and scrub away to watch the scuffs vanish
19.                        Did someone forget to use a coaster? Rub toothpaste over the ring and wipe clean with a damp cloth
20.                        Use as a deodorizer for baby bottles. Remember to rinse thoroughly after soaking!
21.                        Rub toothpaste over mirrors, glass, and water goggles then wipe clean to create a fog deterrent
22.                        Make your sink and faucets shine by polishing with toothpaste!
23.                        Ink and lipstick stains are no longer a problem with the help of toothpaste
24.                        Helps remedy stubborn pimples: dab a little toothpaste on the problem area before bed and wash your face in the morning.
25.                        Foul scents lingering? Wipe some toothpaste over the area and rinse thoroughly
26.                        Remove carpet stains by using the paste with a scrubber
Mouthwash can help out with more than just
 bacteria in your mouth and odorous breath!
27.                        Use mouthwash as an antiseptic replacement when you run out
28.                        “That’s going to leave a bruise!” Heal up faster by rubbing it with some mouthwash on a cotton ball
29.                        Poison ivy itches! Smooth over the affected area and discard the used cotton ball to avoid cross contamination
30.                        Hand sanitizer substitute!
31.                        Did you forget deodorant? Swipe a little mouthwash to remove “ripeness”
32.                        Great as a disinfectant
33.                        Soak nails and toes in mouthwash to help with fungus and athletes foot
34.                        Also works as a great for helping to soften and soothe feet
35.                        Can be used as a temporary face astringent
36.                        Soak smelly containers in mouthwash and rinse. Say goodbye to stink!

Toothbrushes make excellent cleaning tools and are great scrubbers. Here’s a few of our favorites uses!
37.                        If you need to touch up your roots, use a toothbrush to assist in the hair dying process
38.                        Works wonders as an exfoliater
39.                        Nail brush – work out the dirt under your nails gently

If you carry little travel sizes of mouthwash, a toothbrush, white toothpaste and some denture tabs, you are fit to solve almost any spill, scuff or stain! These items are great to always have on hand.  Next time one of these problems tries to kick you when you’re down, remember these dental life hacks!  Give them a try and let us know how well their magic works for you!

George A. Malkemus, DDS

Dentist in Rohnert Park
2 Padre Parkway Suite #200
Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Phone: (707) 585-8595

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